Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Kakyuusei 02 and Marco 18

Today we're happy to announce a dual release. First we released 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother episode 18 with Live-Evil, and second we have Kakyuusei episode 02 for you guys! Enjoy!

-C1 Staff


Torrents:  3000 Leagues #18, Kakyuusei #02


  1. thank you for subbing kakyuusei . I'm really forward for the next episode

  2. Man, I love the style these old shows had. Thanks.

  3. I saw this and could not believe my eyes; this is fantastic. Thank you very much. I agree with DmonHiro; the old shows have something that is lacking in most of what is released today. Great graphics are meaningless if the production staff don't have their hearts in their work. I think most companies see anime as a way to turn a profit and only that. They no longer care about making art. I have been going through my collection of pre-moe anime and really enjoying myself, and I have been hoping someone would pick this project to work on. Thanks again for all of your hard work.

  4. Please complete the full series (14 episodes) and thank you for translating it. This is one of my favorite old school anime series.

  5. We're working on it, should be another episode out very soon (in the next day or two).

  6. Guys ! Have you Dropped 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother (Marco) ?
